Obstacle 1: The Denial of A Reality by C4C
Agriculture: U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Deficiencies in Civil Rights
The report by the Government Accountability Office makes recommendations and lists options to address management deficiencies in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (October 2008). The report discloses that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) strategic planning does not address key steps needed to ensure USDA provides fair and equitable services to all customers and upholds the civil rights of its employees.
Agriculture: U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Civil Rights Assessment (March 2011)
Delays sabotage the very purpose of an internal complaint system, which is to demonstrate to employees and customers that USDA can provide swift, fair justice. Delays in and of themselves undermine confidence in the process, enable complainants to assume the worst, and damage the integrity of fact-finding (memories fade, witnesses become unavailable, documents and other physical evidence disappears).
Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C): Annual Report of Accomplishments 2010
This report, issued (February 2011), documents The Coalition For Change Inc.'s (C4C) first annual report. It documents efforts the advocacy support group engaged in during 2010 to promote racial equality in the Federal sector and to support the well-being of individuals who bravely expose civil rights violations in the workplace.
Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C): Annual Report of Accomplishments 2011
This report, issued (March 2012), documents The Coalition For Change Inc.'s (C4C) second annual report.
Department of Commerce - Annual No FEAR Report to Congress FY 2012
Department of Commerce - Annual No FEAR Report to Congress FY 2011
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Annual Report on the Federal Work Force Fiscal Year 2009
The FY 2009 Annual Report on the Federal Work Force, submitted to the President and Congress, presents a summary of selected EEO program activities in the federal government, including work force profiles of 59 federal agencies. The report is produced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Report on the Bureau of Prisons
This November 2010 report addresses the culture of fear and reprisal taking place with the Federal Bureau of Prison, a component of the Department of Justice.
EEOC Referrals to OSC Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Evaluation of the EPA Office of Civil Rights
The results of the Deloitte Consulting assessment (March 2011) of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) civil rights office disclosed that EPA failed to adequately adjudicate Title VI complaints – those addressing allegations of discrimination against communities of citizens affected to environmental rules promulgated by the EPA; struggled to track, investigate, and resolve Title VII cases – those addressing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) violations inside the Agency – efficiently; and failed to timely complete compliance checks of EPA grantees, to ensure that grantees are not engaging in discrimination in their work.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Letter to EPA Administrator-Dysfunctional Civil Rights Office
This document includes an open letter from a Ms. Susan M. Morris (a former EPA employee with 30 years of Federal service) to EPA administrator Ms. Lisa Jackson. Ms. Morris served as a subject matter expert in civil rights, ADR, complaints processing and affirmative employment. The former EPA employees addresses how she wrote to the EPA administrator and the EPA Office of Inspector General outlining her frustration and chagrin over violations, cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, retaliation, discrimination and a hostile work environment within the EPA.
Justice: Report Regarding Investigation of Improper Hiring Practices in the Justice Management Division
This report summarizes the results of an investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) into allegations of improper hiring practices involving multiple offices in the Justice Management Division (JMD), including the Facilities and Administrative Services Staff (FASS), the Human Resources Staff (HR), the Finance Staff, and the Budget Staff.
The Justice Management Division (JMD) serves as the management and operations arm of the Department of Justice (DOJ).
The OIG report concludes by saying most of the missconduct identified in the report did not stem from ignorance of the rules, but rather was the result of bad behavior by individuals insufficiently impressed with the principles of fair and open competition.
Justice: Department of Justice Litigation Statistics Governmentwide
This report, provided by the Department of Justice Civil Division, responds to a Freedom of Information Act request. It discloses employment discrimination statistics relating to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Period covered --FY08 through FY10.
Justice: Opportunities Exist to Improve Its Case Management System and Better Meet Its Reporting Needs
GAO Report citing that opportunities exist to strengthen the Civil Rights Division’s ability to manage and report on its enforcement efforts. The Civil Rights Division (Division) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) is the primary federal entity charged with enforcing federal statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, and national origin in such areas as voting, employment, housing, public accommodations, the rights of institutionalized persons, and education. September 2009 GAO Report.
Justice: Opportunities Exist to Strengthen the Civil Rights Division’s Ability to Manage and Report on Its Enforcement Efforts
December 2009 GAO Report.
Department of Justice- Annual No FEAR Report to Congress
The Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002, Public Law 107-174, is also known as the No Fear Act. Section 203 of the Act requires all federal agencies to file annual reports to Congress with copies to high ranking officials in Congress and heads of federal agencies that have an interest in employment law violations and in the interests of justice. The report by the Department of Justice reflects the Department's Annual Report to Congress spanning from FY 2005 thru FY 2009 pursuant to the No FEAR aCt Section 203.
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB): Fair and Equitable Treatment
See U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (MSPB Appeals rising in 2011)
Only five percent of MSPB appeals were reversed at the Federal Circuit in FY 2011
MSPB Annuarl Report FY 2010
Merit Systems Protection Board Case Management FY2009 and FY2010
MSPB provided case management reports in response to C4C's Freedom of Information Act request dated September 1, 2011, in which C4C asked for statistical data regarding the Merit Systems Protection Board's (MSPB) appeals processed.
FOIA Tracking No. CB11 - 416
Table 1: Number and Types of Initial Appeals (Report gives dispositions-on hand, received, total workload, number processed, number of cases dismissed, number of cases not dismmised, number of cases settled, number of cases adjudicated and number pending)
Table 2: Number and Types of Initial Appeals Adjudicated (Report discloses cases adjudicated, affirmed, reversed on procedural grounds, reversed on merit, reversed on prohibited personnel practice other than discrimination)
Table 15: Dispositions of Initial Appeals With and Without hearings --- According to Table 15 report for FY2010, MSPB processed 6,536 cases, dismissed 3,745 (57.3%). Of the remaining 2,791 not dismissed (42.7%); the Board settled 1,767 (63.31%). See additional details for appeals adjudicated re: affirmed or reversed.
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Social Security Administration - Annual No FEAR Report to Congress FY2012
The Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002, Public Law 107-174, is also known as the No Fear Act. Section 203 of the Act requires all federal agencies to file annual reports to Congress with copies to high ranking officials in Congress and heads of federal agencies that have an interest in employment law violations and in the interests of justice. SSA's report reflects the Department's Annual Report to Congress for FY2012.
VA office of Inspector General Report---Abuses
This November 2010 report issued by the Veterans Affairs cites abuses of a Ms. Jennifer S. Duncan, former Executive Assistant to the former Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology. The report cites that the official engaged in nepotism, abuse of authority, and prohibited personnel practices when she improperly hired an acquaintance and friend and at a rate above the minimum rate of pay.
*The following sections are being updated.
Top of PageBased on OPM data from FY07 to FY08 Black employees are the least likely of all minority groups to be recruited and most likely to be terminated.
Black employees are paid below the government average pay rate. In FY07 the average grade for Blacks was GS-9,the average grade for Whites was GS-10.3 and the government average was GS-10.
Black employees are least likely to attain a senior executive position than any other group. FY07 statistics disclosed that White employees held over 83.74% of the senior executive service positions. This represented a surplus based on their representation of 65.26%. Black employees reportedly held only 8.68% of the SES stats which reflected an under-representation based on their presence on the workforce at 18.86%. {Source Documents: OPM FY 2008 FEORP and EEOC Annual Report on the Federal Workforce FY 2007}
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Inequality in Senior Management Positions
Inequality in Career Advancement