When filing a court case, the employee (Plaintiff) generally names as the Defendant, the head of the agency. For example, Janet Howard vs. Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce. Although additional defendants may be added to court complaints, it is standard protocol for federal employees to name the head of the agency in employment discrimination complaints. It should be noted; however, that at the administrative level (within the agency) when an employee or applicant files an EEO complaint against a Federal agency, the complainant generally names an individual (rarely the head of the agency) as the person they perceived to have discriminated against them. What is an Alleged Discriminating Official?
This ADO page lists persons named in employment discrimination court proceedings, published articles, or administrative case proceedings. A Responsible Management Official (RMO) also referred to as an Alleged Discriminating Official, as defined by this webpage, is the person(s) named by the complainant/plaintiff or indicated by the record (such as court / MSPB decision) as the individual responsible, in whole or in part, for participating in; taking or recommending the action or decision that is the issue of the employee complaint. Often,the employee names the ADO as the one that has committed the alleged discriminating act based on such factors as race, color, or reprisal for previous EEO activity; and as the one responsible for the action(s) or made decision(s) that harmed the Complainant. Also noted on this page are person(s) who have allegedly contributed to a plaintiff’s discrimination and /or hostile environment claim or persons who have been named in court proceedings.
- Cases cited, in the public domain, reflect complaint activity / litigation that has contributed to increase cost to the taxpayer.
- Bracketed item reflects the Federal entity where the alleged offense occurred.
- Management officials cited on this page may or may not have been found guilty of alleged acts; however cases as cited indicate that management failed to resolve claims of discrimination or retaliation at the lowest level possible.
DISCLAIMER: Persons listed on this site may no longer work at the Department where the alleged discriminatory act occurred; however persons listed on this site have been identified in public records by an aggrieved party as a person either violating their or another parties civil rights and/or creating a hostile work environment. No representation is being made about the completeness or timeliness of any of the content on the site.
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ABBOTT, Leslie. (Department of Air Force) Cas No. 1:07-cv-01438-RMU Filed 08/08/07
Cited in lawsuit as being a discriminatory official in agency and EEOC complaints filed by an African-American female employee.
ANDRUKONIS, Thomas. (Department of Commerce) Case No. 1.04-cv-00756
ANGEROME, Anthony (Sgt). (Department of Homeland Security) Case No. 05-211 (RCL) Filed 1-28-05
Alleged to have demeaned African-American male employee and accosted him on a public corner. Court denied agency motion to dismiss the employee’s hostile work environment claim.ANGUERIA, Teresa. (Department of Commerce: Bureau of Census) Case DKC 2006-1603
AGUINO, Mario. Department of Commerce (Lee v Locke) Civil Action No. 11-0358 Filed Feb 11, 2011
In addition to employment lawsuit an Office of Special Counsel (OSC) investigation was completed involving Mr. Aguino. OSC File No. DI-10-0454 - Letter written to President Obama dated June 10, 2011 re: Mario Aquino asbestos mismanagement and exposing employees to airborne asbestos levels in the attic exceeded OSHA's Permissible Exposure Limit. (See page 3 of letter) Mario Aquino
ATKINSON, Ronald. (Department of Homeland Security) Case No. 1:10-cv-01022-RJL Filed 06/16/2010
BACH, William "Bill." Cited as having been named by plaintiff as a RMO - See Case No. 1:08-cv-01216-HHK) Filed 07/16/2008
BALK, David. (Department of Defense) Case No.1:04-cv-01840-RBW
BENOWITZ, Mitch (Department of Commerce) Case 1:04-cv-01409-PLF 08/19/2004 record reflects that General Counsel directed Departmental medical doctor to change his report regarding class agent.BATTEN, Peter. (Department of Defense) Case 1:10-cv-01695-JDB Filed 10/05/10
Alleged to have made racially derogatory comments such as - he could not tell when a black man was blushing; that his Mexican female paper carrier was lazy; negative comments about Filipinos; and comments allleging that President Obama would appoint black rappers to high ranking government positions.
BATRES, Alfonso. (Department of Veterans Affairs) Case 4-0185 (RC)
Memorandum Opinion from court discloses that multiple allegations were filed againt Batres and an Office of Inspector General Investigation launched regarding related matters. Vassar v Veterans Affairs
BESSEL, Bunnie. (Social Security Administration) Ighalo v. Astrue March 2, 2010
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI WESTERN DIVISION -- Non-selection case for supervisory paralegal specialist. See related RMO-- Bice, Debra.
BICE, Debra (Social Security Administration) Ighalo v. Astrue March 2, 2010
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI WESTERN DIVISION -In this non-selection case for supervisory paralegal specialist, a Judge Debra Bice is alleged to have engaged in discrimination. According to court records, an employee of Nigerian background raises national origin discrimination. Although the court ruled summary judgement in favor of the agency, court records evidence that Defendant Bice told the selecting recommendation official that the Black male had an "accent." Plaintiff asserts in this case Defendant's Bice statement to the job recommending officials was a coded message suggesting "otherness" or "undesirability" that stigmatized Plaintiff and thwarted equal access to job opportunity.
BILLINGER, Patricia. (Social Security Administration) Ighalo v. Astrue March 2, 2010
See related RMO-- Bice, Debra.BLACKBURN, Chris. (Bureau of Census) Cas No.1:04-cv-00756 Filed Oct. 5, 2005
BLADES, James. (Department of Transportation-Federal Aviation Administration) CaseNo. 02-1498 (GK) :*Court concluded sufficient evidence existed from which a jury could reasonably infer a retaliatory motive.
BORMAN, Matthew. (Department of Commerce) Case No. 1:04-cv-01206-JDB ;
*Court asserts that the evidence may support a reasonable inference of discrimination.BOYD, Nancy. (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Case Filed 12/07/2010 Jones v Berrien, et. al
Filed in the U.S. District Court For The Southern District of New York. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Nancy Boyd, public official at the EEOC--gave "Hershey Bar Candy wrapped with EEOC wrappers to EEOC investigators who dismissed the most cases." Plaintiff alleged EEOC officials often dismissed cases bases on statistics without looking at other evidence to support dismissal.
BOYLE, Hugh. (Federal Communications Commission) Case No. 1:06-cv-01852-EGS
BRANCH, Michael. (DOJ-Bureau of Prisons) (Brooks v Holder) EEOC No. 410-2010-0330X
EEOC found Branch created Hostile work environment for an employee based on her sex. Additionally, fellow officers testified (according to EEOC report) that Branch derived "great pleasure" from taunting the inmates in his custody and using provocative language. (Branch denied allegations). EEOC ruled that Capital Michael Branch, who served at that time as chief correctional supervisor, engaged in behavior that was "extremely severe towards complainant.
BRAND, Michelle (Social Security Administration) Case No. 08-cv-02665-JFM
BRANDT, Robert. (Department of Justice-U.S. Marshal Service) CaseNo.1.08-cv-01747-HHK Alleged to have contributed to hostile work climate and “good old boys network” USMS Class Action
BRENT, James. (Department of Treasury) Case No.1.06-cv-00400-RJL Filed 03/06/06
BROOKS, Jana. Department of Commerce (Lee v Locke) Civil Action No. 11-0358 Filed Feb 11, 2011
Lee v Locke. See Page 14 of lawsuit.
BROWNER, Carol M. (Environmental Protection Agency) Coleman-Adebayo v Browner [2000]
In 2000, the court found Browner and the EPA guilty of racism. sexism and color discrimination against Coleman-Adebayo, and awarded her $300,000. Plaintiff (Coleman-Adebayo) said that Browner allowed the problems to persist rather than trying to clean them up. Congressional dissatisfaction with the workforce culture at EPA and the EPA's treatment of Coleman-Adebayo led to passage of the No FEAR Act in 2002, which prohibits federal managers and supervisors from engaging in unlawful discrimination and retaliation. {See photo below} "Driving Ms. Daisy Syndrome --Reference to Browner" See picture of Browner below.
Burke-Sanow, Nancy J. (Securities and Exchange Commission) (Case No. 1:11-cv-00574-BAH) (Filed 03/02/2011)
alleged to have made racist comments according to court filing and engaged in hostile treatment.
BUTLER, Jeanette. (Department of Veterans Affairs) Multiple Complaint Activity
Service Chief Jeanette Butler, while an employee of VA's New Orleans office, was named multiple times in complaints in which EEOC ruled in favor of plaintiff. Reference (Decatur v. VA) OFO Docket No 0120073404 and Saunders v. VA EEOC 270-2005-00013X. Butler ordered to take reprisal training. Butler was also an alleged discriminating official in the case (Porter v Shineski, Veterans Affairs) 650 F.2d 565 (2009)
BYRD, David Social Security Administration Case No. 08-cv-02665-JFM
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CADE, David. (Health and Human Services) &8219; Civil No.WDQ-02-3533 (Jeffers v. Thompson) 264 F.Supp.2d 314 (2003)
His response discloses a racial animus (albeit, perhaps not his own) directly linked to the contested promotion decision(s) Former Acting Director of the Medicaid Bureau and presently Deputy General Counsel, [Memorandum Opinion issued May 8, 2003 cites Cade in complaint (p7).] See reference to alleged, contemporaneous statement of Mr. Cade that he was not going to "start promoting a lot of blacks to super grades.
CAMPO, Maria. (Department of Commerce-Patent and Trademark Office) CAS 1:04-cv-00756 Filed Oct. 5, 2005
CAPLEN, Russell. (Department of Agriculture) Cas No. 1:05-cv-02402-RML
CHERIS, Eddie. (Department of Homeland Security) Cas No. 1:09-cv-0211-PLF Filed 11/20/09
CHILDS, Andria. (Social Security Administration) Case No.CCB 05-2950.
The Case references where an arbitrator was concerned that Ms. Childs relied upon information that was was possibly false or at least inaccurate in making a selection.
Chott, John. (Department of Agriculture) Cas No. 1:06-cv-00538-HHK Filed 03/22/06
cited in case involving violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 --Non-Selection Case
Clark, John. (U.S. Marshal Service) Case No. 1:08-cv-01747-HHK
Conboy, Steve (Department of Justice) Case No. 1:06-cv-00005-HHK Filed 01/04/2006
Cooch, Christopher (Department of Treasury- Bureau of Engraving) Cas No.1:08-cv-00447-RWR (Multiple Plaintiffs*)
Costello, Nancy (Department of Homeland Security) Cas No. 1:09-cv-0211-PLF Filed 11/20/09
Coy, Curtis (Department of Health and Human Services) Case No. 05-250 GK
Coy, Curtis (Department of Health and Human Services) Case No. 1:08-cv-00150-RCL
Crevonis, Gary (Department of Homeland Security) Case No. 08-1580(CKK)
Crochetti (Jr.), Louis D. (Department of Homeland Security) Case No. 1:10-cv-01022-RJL Filed 06/16/2010
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Datolli, John (Department of Health and Human Services) Case No DKC 2003-1685 Davenport, William (Federal Communications Commission - Audits Branch) Case No 1:06-cv-01852-EGS Davis, Dar (Department of Commerce-BEA) Case No. 1:04-cv-00756
Allegations of hostile treatment towards an African-American emplyees including calling a black professional -- BUCKWHEAT. C4C,Inc. has obtained letter substantiating offensive name-calling by Ms. Davis.
Dean, John (U.S. Department of Agriculture) Case Number RD-2010-00074
DeLeon, Rafael (Environmental Protection Agency) Case 1:03-cv-02428-PLF-JMF Filed 03/27/2006
Dennis, Michael (Department of Commerce) Complaint referenced discriminatory action against plaintiff in 1986. CAS 1:04-cv-00756-RJL Filed 05/11/2004
Dowd, Ellen (Department of Commerce-NIST) Case No. DKC 2004-1535
DUKE, David (Air National Guard) EEOC No. 250-2004-00174X
Order for Injunctive Relief stated that agency official should cease and desist all paper trails and inferences of complainants security filed which included language that complainant is a "national security risk, threat to the nation and a terrorist -- after she filed EEO complaint. Discrimination found.
Durbin, Stephen F. (Department of Energy-Office of Resource Management) Cas No 1:07-cv-00980-RBW (Multiple Plaintiffs*)
Duval, Judith (Department of Homeland Security) Case No. 08-1580(CKK)
Dwyer, Brian (Department of Treasury-Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration) Cas No. 07-5392
Summary judgement found for Defendant; however court asserted “What the record does show, however, is Dwyer had a problem with women agents and decided to promote a male with a sullied record even though a qualified female with a pristine record was available. ”
Edelstein, Rachel (Department of Agriculture) Case No.1.09-cv-02415-RJL Filed 12/23/09
English,Patricia A. (Department of Homeland Security) Cas No. 1:09-cv-0211-PLF Filed 11/20/09
ELZNIC, Douglas. Department of Commerce (Martin v. Locke) Civil Case 08-1131 (RJL) 2009
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FAGEN, David. (Department of Homeland Security) Case No. 1:10-cv-01022-RJL Filed 06/16/2010
FANNING, Fred. Department of Commerce (Lee v Locke) Civil Action No. 11-0358 Filed Feb 11, 2011
In addition to employment lawsuit an Office of Special Counsel (OSC) investigation was completed involving Mr. Fanning. OSC File No. DI-10-0454 Letter written to President Obama dated June 10, 2011 re: Fred E. Fanning asbestos mismanagement and exposing employees to airborne asbestos levels in the attic exceeded OSHA's Permissible Exposure Limit. (See page 3 of letter) See picture below. Note: Fanning also cited in another employment case filed under (Martin v. Locke) Civil Case 08-1131 (RJL) Fred E. Fanning mismanagement cited by OSC
FERGUSON, Thomas A. (Bureau of Engraving) Cas No.1:08-cv-00447-RWR (Multiple Plaintiffs*)
FILLER, Diane (Department of Justice) Case No. 07-10(CKK) Filed 1/4/07 The court ultimately concluded that the Plaintiff had proferred sufficient evidence to demonstrate that there were genuine material facts to cast doubt on Defendants true reason for not promoting African-American employee.FLANNERY, John A. (Office of Personnel Management) Cas No.09-5184 Filed 10/13/10
FORDHAM, Andre. (Department of Energy) Cas No.1:07-cv-00901-RBW
FOSTER, Christian. (Department of Agriculture) Cas No.1:04-cv-00441-GK
Complaint alleges discrimination and retaliation by Flannery due to Plaintiff's prior EEO activity.
FENDER, Frank. (Department of Agriculture) Cas No.1:04-cv-00441-GK
Complaint alleges discrimination and retaliation. See also RMO Christian Foster.
FRADKIN, Larry. (Environmental Protection Agency) Cas No 1:04-cv-02121 PLF
*Alleged to have used gender stereotypes about plaintiff.
FRAGO, Doug. (Department of Agriculture) Cas No. 1:06-cv-00538-HHK Filed 03/22/06
cited in case involving violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 --Non-Selection Case
FRED,Terry (Department of Justice-U.S.Marshal Service)
Cited as being a discriminatory official in agency complaint filed by an African-American U.S. Marshal. EEO action initiated against Fred 03/12. Previous EEO activity alleged in case USM-2009-00011 and/or USM-2010-00011. Terry Fred, Chief Deputy Marshal, cited in article as being - found drunk at the wheel and arrested on drunken driving charge after a hit and run crash. TusconCitizen.com article:Demoted U.S. Marshal faces 2nd DUI charge, Associated Press, May 14, 2007.
Terry Fred Drunk at the Wheel
FREEH, Louis J. (Department of Justice) Case No. 03-2531
Alleged to have discriminated against African-American employee who ranked highest among all job applicants and was the number one recommended candidate. Freeh allegedly - bypassed the recommendation.
FRY, Tom. (Department of Interior) Case No. 1:06-cv-01233-JDB Filed 09/09/2008
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GAMBINO, Philip A. Social Security Administration Case No. 08-cv-02665-JFM
GAMBLE, William B. (Commerce-NTIA) Case No. 1.04-cv-00756 JDB
GONSALVES, Rosemarie (Interior) EEOC No. 550-2010-00360X
EEOC found intentional discrimination against complainant. Clack vs Sec. Department of Interior
GRASSO, Patty (Department of Commerce) Complaint filed 01/16/03
Hostile work environment claim alleged against P.Grasso.
GRAZIANO, Louis (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Case Filed 12/07/2010 Jones v Berrien, et. al
Filed in the U.S. District Court For The Southern District of New York. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Graziano, public official at the EEOC engaged in sabotaging EEO investigations and subrogating other cases. Discussion is provided in court lawsuit re: Defendant Graziano's involvement with private sector cases of Atrium Staffing Services and Adelphi University female class case.
GROSSMAN, Elizabeth (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Case Filed 12/07/2010 Jones v Berrien, et. al
Filed in the U.S. District Court For The Southern District of New York. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Grossman, public official at the EEOC engaged in low-balling charging parties and instructing investigators to tell charging parties that "it was not necessary for them to obain an attorney." Discussion is provided in court lawsuit re: Defendant Grossman's involvement with private sector case of Tavern on the Green.
GORE, Edison (Department of Commerce: Bureau of Census) Case DKC 2006-1603
GROVE, Brian (Commerce-BEA) Case No. 1.04-cv-00756 JDB
Court records assert that Mr. Grove referred to Black employee as --cheap labor-- made racially offensiive comments and contributed to a hostile work environment for black employees at BEA.
GUASTELLO, Richard (Supervisor, LMSB Internal Revenue Agent Group) Case 1:10-cv-0??81 Filed 06/2010
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Haggstrom, Glen. (Department of Agriculture) Filed 12/28/09 Hail, Joesph. (Department of Commerce-Patent and Trademark Office) Court found that a reasonable jury could find that the Plaintiff (terminated employee) did meet the job expectations and that material facts existed. Court denied Department‛s motion for summary judgement against employee.
Hall, Barbara. (Department of Energy) Cas No 1:07-cv-00980-RBW (Multiple Plantiffs) Sexual harrassment/discrimination alleged.
HALL, Lyssa (Department of Labor) (Weng v Solis) Named in multiple complaints as discriminating official.
Uzlyan v. Solis, Secretary of Labor, Civil Action No. 09-1035 (D.D.C.) (RMC); and Weng v. Solis, Secretary of Labor, Civil Action No. 10-2051 (D.D.C.) (BJR); In Schmidt v Solis, Plaintiff prevailed on her claims for failure to accommodate and for retaliation.violations.
Handwerker Carol. (Department of Commerce) Cas No 8:06-cv-02348-RWT Filed 09/11/06
As part of escalating retaliation, Dr. Handwerker was alleged to have abused agency Performance Improvement Plan process.Harvath, Liana. (Department of Health and Human Services-National Institute of Health) Case No. RWT 07-2426
Aug. 13, 2009-Memorandum Opinion Rendered
Haynes (Haines), Tracy. (FEMA) Case No.DKC 2000-1887.
Heard, Robin. Department of Agriculture Informal complaint filed naming R. Heard, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration on 10/16/09
Hohe, William (Department of Transportation-Federal Aviation Administration) Cas. No. 02-1498 (GK)
Henderson, Chet (Smithsonian) Cas 1:02-cv-01268-RWR Filed 06/26/02
Hernandez, Manuel (Department of Education) Cas 1:09-cv-00556-PLF Filed 03/24/2009
HILDING Suzanne (Department ofCommerce) EEOC No. 531-2012-00343X Cited in Acknowledgement and Order dated July 24, 2012.
HURST, Kimberly (Department ofCommerce) EEOC No. 531-2012-00343X Cited in Acknowledgement and Order dated July 24, 2012.
*Court concluded sufficient evidence existed from which a jury could reasonably infer a retaliatory motive.
Houlihan, Kevin (Department of Homeland Security) Cas 1:00-cv-00953-RWR Filed 05/03/2000
Named in racial discriminatiion class action filed by numerous Secret Service agents. (Multiple Plaintiffs*)
Hunnicutt, Carrie (Department of Homeland Security) Cas 1:00-cv-00953-RWR Filed 12/17/2008
Reportedly involved in the destruction of trial evidence involving a class action discrimination case filed by African-American Secret Service Agents. See Moore v Chertoff. Court grants Plaintiffs sanctions against the Department. Hunnicutt’s testimony riddled with discrepancies
Imhoff, Jim (Department of Treasury) Cas No. 1:08-cv-02237-RWR
Ingald, Jane (Department of Commerce: Bureau of Census) Case DKC 2006-1603
Case cites where Jane Ingold admits telling plaintiff that plaintiff had opened a - Pandoras Box - by writing a letter to her Congressman, complaining about the alleged race discrimination. Pg. 7 of Memorandum Opinion.
Isham, Brian (Department of Transportation-Federal Aviation Administration) Cas. No. 02-1498 (GK)
*Court concluded that sufficient evidence existed from which a jury could reasonably infer a retaliatory motive.
Ishimaru, Stuart (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Jones vs Jacqueline A. Berrien
In The U.S. District Court For the Southern District of New York. Complaint filed in Ishimaru's official and individual capacity. See picture below.
Jardini, Nancy (Department of Treasury) Cas No. 1:08-cv-02237-RWR
Jean, Kirby (Department of Commerce- NOAA) Cas 1.04-cv-00756 Filed 10/5/05
Jackson, Felicia (Department of Treasury) Case No.1.06-cv-00400-RJL Filed 03/06/06
Jensen, Mary (Department of Defense) Cas 1.07-cv-00802-RWR
Johnson, Marilyn (Department of Interior) Cas 1.05-cv-01475-RWR
JOHNSON, TED (Department of Commerce) Cas No. 1.04-cv-00756 JDB
Joria, Gerard Cas No. 1:08-cv-01216-HHK Filed 07/16/2008
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Kaplan, Dennis (Department of Agriculture-OBPA) Cas 1:07-cv-02168-PLF Filed 11/30/2007
Kavenaugh Gary (Department of Health and Human Services) Cas 1:09-cv-00223-CCB Filed 02/03/2009Alleged to have engaged in sexual harassment against African-American women at Center for Medicare andn Medicaid Services.
Kearns, Allen Social Security Administration Case No. 09-3473
Plaintiff maintains that Kearnss retaliatory motive may be imputed to the SSA because he influenced the promotion decision by “feeding false information to agency official. Evidence supports the inference that Kearns provided false information. {To hear oral arguments http://www.ca7.uscourts.gov/tmp/YD1DEAT9.mp3 }
Kelley, Edward (Federal Housing Finance Agency) Case No. 04-0423 (RMU)
Alleged to have have issued unwarranted letters of reprimand to employee. The court cited that employee (Plaintiff) had provided sufficient evidence where a reasonable jury could find that the defendant retaliated againt the Plaintiff.
Kenney, Chris (Department of Interior-Bureau of Reclamation) Cas 1:06-cv-00980-RJL
Discrimination not found to cause hostile work environment; however case cited an inappropriate relationship between Kenney and another subordinate employee in court records.
Kepplinger, Esther (Department of Commerce-Patent and Trademark Office) Case 1:06cv538 (GBL)
Court found that a reasonable jury could find that the Plaintiff (terminated employee) did meet the job expectations and that material facts existed. Court denied Department‛s motion for summary judgement against employee.
Kirk, Susan (Department of Defense) Case No.1.04-cv-01840-RBW Allegations include “Ms. Susan Kirk attempted to physically attack plaintiff.”
Koch, Louisa (Office of Research) Cas No. 1:09-cv-00002-PLF Filed 01/02/09
Alleged to have told plaintiff to find another job after filing an EEO complaint.
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LAMP, Paulette (FEMA) Case No.DKC 2000-1887.
Larwood, John (Social Security Administration) Case No.CCB 05-2950. Case references where an arbitrator found that Mr. Larwood gave an employee preferential treatment.
LEONARD, Joe. (Department of Agriculture)
Mr. Leonard, in his role of Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, was named as an official who obstructed employee filing of EEO complaint. Activity reported to EEOC - Office of Federal Operations October 14, 2010 Ref. #0120102592
LEWIS, Chandra G. (Department of Homeland Security) Cas No. 1:09-cv-0211-PLF Filed 11/20/09
LEWIS, Spencer (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Case Filed 12/07/2010 Jones v Berrien, et. al
Filed in the U.S. DisTrict Court For The Southern District of New York. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Spencer Lewis, public official at the EEOC with the title District Director at EEOC New YOrk District Office --stated: ""Blacks are always angry and because of their anger; their cases should be dismissed." Court record details that 'Plaintff stood-up in front of all the employees and objected to the statements."
LINDSEY, David (Department of Treasury - Bureau of Engraving) Case No.1:08-cv-00447-RWR
LION, Linda (US AID) 414 F3d 13 Porter v. S Natsios (DC Cir. 2005). “Regarding the EM position, Porter's emphasis on the conflicting testimony of Linda Lion and of another USAID witness only underscores why this court should defer to the district court's credibility determinations.” NOTE: Jury found retaliation in district court.
LITTLEJOHN, Craig (Department of Interior) EEOC Case No. 570-2008-00625X July 2, 2010
EEOC judge found Littlejohn guilty of discrimination. “EEOC Judge Furcolo asserted Littlejohn’s discriminatory animus toward the African-american employees he supervised is palpable. He is on record as commenting that in his opinion, they as a group were not skillful and were incompetent.” Littlejohn improperly interfered with the selection process of a Black applicant.
Supervisor Craig called Black staffers - Monkeys Craig Littlejohn Sued for Race Discrimination - See Photo
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Malone-Gilmer, Sandra (US AID) 414 F3d 13 Porter v. S Natsios (DC Cir. 2005). “Member of interview panel. Jury found retaliation against Plaintiff for his filing racial discrimination complaints as a motivating factor in his employer‛s decision not to select him for two of the GS-15 positions.”
Marston, Rori (Department of Commerce) Cas No. 1:09-cv-00002-PLF Filed 01/02/2009
*EEO reprisal, offensive name calling and false allegations claimed.
Martin, Ermelinda (Veterans Affairs) Civil No.07-cv-2089 / No. 09-1234 Appeal Case Decided 04/05/10
Previous complaint by plaintiff was settled in 2002. In the present case a judge in seventh circuit (Chicago) ruled against plaintiff citing her attorneys [Armand Andry] habitual failures in meeting timelines. Case not held on merit.
Maxey, Peter (Department of Commerce) Cas. No.1:04-cv-00756 Filed Oct. 5, 2005
McNutt, Pat (Department of Commerce) Augustus v Locke (Civil Action No.09-1003(EGS) March 29, 2010
Court Opinion - Judge ruled in favor of plaintiff with regard to defeating summary judgment of race and sex discrimination claims. McNutt (supervisor)allegedly failed to compensate employee for additional COTR duties assigned because of her race (Black) and sex (female) Judge granted agency claim regarding retaliation. However, the court found that the African-American employee maintains the right to bring retaliation claim in federal district court upon completion of administrative process.
McCoy, Eugene (Department of Labor) Case No. 1:04-cv-00849-HHK Filed 05/26/2004
Allegation-Discriminatory Denial of PromotionMcDonough, Sally (Department of Health and Human Services-National Institute of Health) MSPB Docket No. DC-0432-11-0815-1-2
Brief Filed 11/14/12. Cited in employment complaint as being a discriminatory official in complaint filed by an African-American female employee.
McGown, Brigham A. (Department of Transportation) Case 1:06-cv-01259-TFH Filed 07/13/06
Cited as an alleged discriminatory offiical in an agency and an EEOc complaint filed by an African-American female.
Meerholz, Thomas. (Department of Commerce-Census Bureau) Case Number 8:09-cv-2672 Filed Oct. 13, 2009Miller, Dale. (Department of Agriculture) Cas No. 1:07 cv-02221-ESH Filed 12/06/2007
Minster, Dave. (Department of Defense) Cas No. 1:07 cv-00802-RWR
Moore, Dale. (Department of Agriculture) Cas No. 1:09 cv-00447-PLF Filed 03/05/09
Referenced in court document where Plaintiff asserts USDA engaged in unlawful retaliation and discrimination.Moore, Blaine (Department of Health and Human Services-National Institute of Health) Case No. RWT 07-2426
Aug. 13, 2009-Memorandum Opinion Rendered
Morales, Oscar. (Environmental Protection Agency) Case No. 1:04-cv-00882-RMU Filed 05/28/2004>
Murray, Stirling. (Department of Justice-U.S. Marshal Service) Case No.1.08-cv-01747-HHK
Munzos, Romeo (Commerce-Census) Case No. 1.04-cv-00756 JDB Filed Oct. 5, 2005
NAYLOR, Mary. Senate Budget Committee Complaint Filed 2010
A race discrimination complaint was filed against the Senate Budget Committee naming Mary Naylor (who once served as the committee staff director) as the alleged discriminating official. See picture below.
NEGRON-MORALES, Mirza. (Department of Housing and Urban Development) Case No.160-2005-00337X
Agency official found guilty for retaliating against employee who had previously engaged in protected EEO activity by suspending him on two occasions. [HUD-New York Office]
Netrina, Petrina. (Department of Homeland Security) Cas No. 1:09-cv-0211-PLF Filed 11/20/09
Niebauer, Peter. (Department of Interior) Case No. 1:06-cv-01233-JDB Filed 09/09/2008
Ohl, Joan E. (Department of Health and Human Services) Case 1:10-cv-00932-RMU Filed 06/07/10
O'Malley, Suzanne (Department of Transportation) Case 1:06-cv-01259-TFH Filed 07/13/06
Cited as an alleged discriminatory offiical in an agency and an EEOc complaint filed by an African-American female. O'DONNELL, Marian (Department of Justice-Bureau of Prisons) FMCS No.: 10-04398 Decided April 9, 2012
Found that agency's evaluation of grievant was issued in violation of stated Articles.
Ong, Joyce (Department of Commerce-Patent and Trademark Office) Case 1:04-cv-00756 Filed Oct. 5, 2005
OWENS, JOHN (Federal Bureau of Prisons) Agency No. BOP-2010-0869 (Coleman v Holder) October 1, 2012 Agency No. P-2010-0240
Warden John Owen has been named in MULTIPLE COMPLAINTS. In complaint (Sanchez v Holder), Warden John Owens was named as the discriminating official and the EEOC found him GUILTY and ordered the agency to conduct EEO training for Warden John Owen.
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Parker, Vernon (Department of Agriculture) Cas No. 1:09 cv-00447-PLF Filed 03/05/09
Parrish, Louise (Department of Commerce-NIST) Case No. DKC 2004-1535
PEREIRA, John (Department ofCommerce) EEOC No. 531-2012-00343X Cited in Acknowledgement and Order dated July 24, 2012.
Perez-Lopez, Jorge (Department of Labor) Case No. 1:08-cv-00086 ESH
Petchel, Gregory (Department of Justice-U.S. Marshal Service) Case No.1.08-cv-01747-HHK
Alleged to have contributed to hostile work climate and “good old boys network” USMS Class ActionPeterson, Charles (Department of Health and Human Services-National Institute of Health) Case No. RWT 07-2426
Aug. 13, 2009 Memorandum Opinion Rendered; Discrimination claim; According to court records more than one employee filed claims against Dr. Charles Peterson. Previous allegations also includes sexual harassment according to court records.Prendergast, Michael (Department of Transportation) Case 1:04-cv-01661-HHK Filed 09/27/04
Privett, Lee (Department of Transportation)
Alleged to have told plaintiff that he (Privett) was in the position to harm plaintiff’s career and told plaintiff “not to f**k with him.”
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Racke, David (Department of Defense) Cas No.1.04-cv-01840-RBWRAMON, Braulio Department of Commerce (Martin v. Locke) Civil Case 08-1131 (RJL) 2009
RAPS, ERIC (Department of Labor) Involved in multiple Compaints.
Schmidt v. Solis, Secretary of Labor, Civil Action No. 07-2216 (D.D.C.) (JMF);
Uzlyan v. Solis, Secretary of Labor, Civil Action No. 09-1035 (D.D.C.) (RMC);
and Weng v. Solis, Secretary of Labor, Civil Action No. 10-2051 (D.D.C.) (BJR).
Raps was found guilty of discrimination The Court ruled the mean-spirited behavior of Raps that was, to be blunt, indefensible and subjected Schmidt, an obviously sick woman, to much unnecessary anxiety, concern, and additional suffering.
Reid, Norman (U.S. Department of Agriculture) Case Number RD-2010-00074
Renteria, Guadalupe (Department of Agriculture) Case No. 09-0486 (ESH)
Alleged to have made racially offensive comments during agency interview process.
Retzlaff, Barbara (Department of Commerce / Office of Budget) Case No.1.04-cv-00756 JDB {Pictured below}
REVELL, SARA (DOJ-Bureau of Prisons) (McFadden v. Holder) EEOC 430-2009-00428X
EEOC found agency guilty of race discrimination and reprisal in this case. Warden Revell of the FCC Butner, North Carolina Federal correctional facility ordered to take "harassment and retaliation" training.Reynolds, Cynthia (Department of Education) Case No.1.08-cv-00029 PLF
Riche, Ken (Department of Treasury) Cas No. 1:08-cv-02237-RWRRidgely, Debbie (Health and Human Services) Case No. 07-2128 RMU Holmes-Martin v Sebelius
The Memorandum Opinion of the U.S. District Judge Richard Urbina, dated March 17, 2010 discloses "the plaintiff's [Holmes- Martin, African-American] prima facie case and the independent evidence of a discriminatory motive, a reasonable jury could infer that Ridgely transferred the plaintiff's Deputy Director duties to Clarence Randall [Caucasian] out of a discriminatory motive." See picture of Ridgely below.
Rollins-Cross, E. (Department of Commerce - Patent and Trademark Office)
Court found that a reasonable jury could find that the Plaintiff (terminated employee) did meet the job expectations and that material facts existed. Court denied Department‛s motion for summary judgement against employee.
Rutledge, Judith A. (Department of Transportation) Case 1:06-cv-01259-TFH Filed 07/13/06
Cited as an alleged discriminatory offiical in an agency and an EEOc complaint filed by an African-American female.
SACCO, Ron (Postal Service) Docket No. 06-4384-cv Decided: November 3, 2008
On September 29, 2003, the plaintiff was physically assaulted by Ron Sacco, a supervisor at the Wallingford plant. (Sacco was not the plaintiff's direct supervisor when the incident occurred.) Sacco grabbed the plaintiff’s arm, punched him in the shoulder and the chest, spit in his face, and poked him in the eye. Sacco was ultimately issued a "Letter of Warning" for - Conduct Unbecoming a Postal Supervisor - and was transferred to another work assignment for at least a year.Sanchez, Leo M. (Small Business Affairs) Case No. 1:04-cv-01262-EGS Filed 07/28/2004
Schoepfle, Gregory K. (Department of Labor) Case No. 1:08-cv-00086 (ESH). Civil Action No. 08-1612. Filed 01/16/08
Sellers, Doug (Environmental Protection Agency) Cas No. 98-5408; No. 98-5409 No. 94cv00208; No. 95cv02013
* Employee won jury verdict proving race discrimination and harassment; District Judge challenged Sellers credibility under oath. Agency appealed.
SHEPARD, DIANA (Department of Commerce-Human Resource Representative) Case 1:04-cv-01409 Filed 08/19/2004.
Cited in Medical Doctor’s lawsuit against the Department. Alleged to have targeted Janet Howard, class agent, as being the ringleader of a group of people who met in the library to exchange information about racial discrimination at Commerce. According to court records- Shepard referred to this group as the -- library crew and stated that Ms. Howard needed to be gone. “She added that the library crew would come to an end after Ms. Howard was gone.” Class Action Filed Against Commerce
Shryock, John (Social Security Administration) Case No.CCB 05-2950
Sokolik,Frank (Health and Human Services) Case No.WDQ-08-1687
Smith, Edith (Department of Defense) Case No.1.04-cv-01840-RBW
Smith, Gilbert (Department of Agriculture) Case No.1.09-cv-02415-RJL Filed 12/23/09
Snelson,William (Department of Justice-U.S. Marshal Service) Case No.1.08-cv-01747-HHK
Sirkin, Lisa (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Case Filed 12/07/2010 Jones v Berrien, et. al
Filed in the U.S. District Court For The Southern District of New York. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Lisa Sirkin, public official at the EEOC engaged in "low-balling charging parties." Also see RMO -- Elizabeth Grossman.
SIMPLER, GARY (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) Cas No. GJH-15-1343 Date filed 07/09/15
Speir, Rick (Department of Treasury) Cas No. 1:08-cv-02237-RWR
Spinrad, Rick (Department of Commerce) Cas No. 1:09-cv-00002-PLF Filed 01/02/2009
Stallings, Josephine (Small Business Administration) Cas No. 1:04-cv-01262-EGS Filed 07/28/2004
STRASFELD, Ivan L. (Department of Labor) Weng v Solis Civil Action 10-CV-2051 (BJR) and Uzlyan v. Solis Civil Action 09-1035 (D.D.C.)(RMC)
In Weng the Court decided - that a reasonable jury could find that Strasfeld was motivated by discriminatory animus and influenced the process to suspend a complainant who reported civil rights violations.
Strock, Carl A. (United States Army Corps) Cas 1:07-cv-00182-EGS Filed 01/26/2007Surles, Barry (Department of Justice) Cas No. 1:06-cv-00005-HHk Filed 01/04/2006
TAUBENHEIN, Ann (Department of Health and Human Services-National Institute of Health) MSPB Docket No. DC-0432-11-0815-1-2
Brief Filed 11/14/12. Cited in employment complaint as being a discriminatory official in complaint filed by an African-American female employee.
Teets, Warren (Department of Air Force) Cas No. 1:07-cv-01438-RMU Filed 08/08/07
Cited in lawsuit as being a discriminatory official in agency and EEOC complaints filed by an African-American female employee.
Teti, Catherine (Department of Commerce) Cas No. 1:07-cv-00751-JR Filed 04/24/07
Alleged to have removed reasonable accommodations from Plaintiff with a recognized disability.
Thorn, Richard (Social Security Administration) Civil Action No. H-10-1740
Plaintiff's case never heard on merit. Dismissed on summary judgement technicality.Thompson, Katherine (Department of Interior) EEOC Case Number 550-2009-00090X January 28, 2011
*Named in multiple complaints Administrative Judge found discrimination when Ms. Thompson (Asst. Regional Director for Business Services) removed employee from supervisory position and gave her work assignment for which she did not have the skills required for the tehnical work, thus setting her up to fail.Top of Page
Thompson, Maurice (Department of Agriculture) OSC File No. MA-11-0169 Circa 02/08/11
Alleged to have engaged in prohibited personnel practice that led to the removal of an African-American employee.
Treese, Linda (Department of Agriculture) Cas No. 1:06-cv-00538-HHK Filed 03/22/06
cited in case involving violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 --Non-Selection Case
TROOP, Maurice (Department of Veterans Affairs) OFO Docket No. 0120073404
EEOC ruled in favor of plaintiff (Decatur v. VA) in discrimination case where Maurice Troop of VA's New Orleans office ordered to take reprisal training.
Turner, Barbara N. (AID) Cas No. 09-5167 Decided June 1, 2010
Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (No. 1:04-cv-01440-RBW) Court found PIP constituted a material adverse action.
Vasquez, Victor (U.S. Department of Agriculture) Case Number RD-2010-00074
Vocke, Pamela (Health and Human Services) Civil No.WDQ-02-3533 “The environment in which Ms. Jeffers worked may have been at times, unpleasant; as a matter of law, it was not hostile.” NOTE: With respect to Jeffer‛s claim of racial discrimination the court denied HHS‛ motion for summary judgement.
Waggle, Ann (Veterans Affairs) Civil No.07-cv-2089 / No. 09-1234 Appeal Case Decided 04/05/10
Previous complaint by plaintiff was settled in 2002. In the present case a judge in seventh circuit (Chicago) ruled against plaintiff citing her attorneys [Armand Andry] habitual failures in meeting timelines. Case not held on merit.Wedding, Timothy (Department of Labor) Case No. 1:08-cv-00086 (ESH) Civil Action No. 08-1612. Filed 01/16/08
Wagner, Anne (Government Accountability Office) Civil No.1:07-cv-01452-JDB Filed 03/05/10 Photo shown below.
In the action against Ann Wagner, who presently serves on the the Merit Systems Protection Board, the court found that the record showed evidence on which a reasonable jury could find that defendant‛s proferred reasons for terminating a senior trial attorney were a pretext for retaliation.
Walton, Kimberly (Department of Commerce) Agency No 99-51-00707
While serving as civil rights director, Ms. Walton is alleged to have disclosed employee prior eeo complaint history to a manager outside complainants division.
Wells, Denise (Department of Commerce) Complaint Filed 01/16/03
Alleged to have created a hostile work environment for employee. Sexual harassment charge alleged.
Willis, Todd (Department of Commerce) Cas No. 1:08-cv-00421-PLF *Retaliation against former class Agent cited
Weed, James (Department of Health and Human Services) Case No. 05cv731 RWT Decided 07/23/07
Court awards summary judgement to agency despite EEO counselors written admission during formal counseling statege that racial discrimination existed in the present case.
WELLS, Levesta (DOJ-Bureau of Prisons) EEOC 480-2009-00327X
EEOC order that "Agency shall ensure that Wells has no further opportunity to harass and intimate complainant. . . " {Captain Wells cited in the EEOC decision as the Captain - Metropoitan Correctional Center, San Diego, California.
WHEELES, Timothy (Department of Health and Human Services Case No. RWT 07-2426.
Named as a responsible official involved in the removal of an African-American, female doctor, who has dedicated her career to combating sickle cell disease and other medical disorders that severely impact fetal and maternal health. [p. 11] Multiple actions alleged against Mr. Wheeles. Case also pending (as of 09/11) before the Merit Systems Protection Board involving another black female who he is alleged to have removed from federal service.
Whisenton, Vera (Department of Commerce) Cas No. 1:07-cv-00751-JR Filed 04/24/07
Alleged to have removed reasonable accommodations from Plaintiff with a recognized disability.White, Betsy (Department of Labor) Case No.1:08-cv-00086(ESH) Civil Action No. 08-1612. Filed 01/16/08
White, Michael (Department of Homeland Security) Cas No. 1:09-cv-0211-PLF Filed 11/20/09
Worsley, Marcus (Department of Labor) Case No. 1:04-cv-00849-HHK Filed 05/26/2004
Allegation-Discriminatory Denial of Promotion
Williams, Deborah (Environmental Protection Agency) Case No. 1:04-cv-00882-RMU Filed 05/28/2004
Wilmot, Wayne (Department of Commerce) Case No. 1:04-cv-00756 File 10/05/2005
Yourke, Electra (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Case Filed 12/07/2010 Jones v Berrien, et. al
Filed in the U.S. DisTrict Court For The Southern District of New York. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Yourke, public official at the EEOC--was "putting charges filed by African-American in the "C" category and dismissing the charges when sufficient evidence indicated that discrimination had occurred."
Zehren, Chris (Department of Agriculture-OBPA) Cas No. 1:07-cv-02168-PLF Filed 11/30/2007 Zoeller, Carl A. (Government Printing Office) nbsp; Cas No. 98-2399 (JR) Filed 02/03/2000
Accused of discrimination and jokingly asserting that two African-American employees lookedlike two crows sitting on a fence
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